“We’re Almost There” Michael Jackson Lyrics

“We’re Almost There” Michael Jackson Lyrics

No matter how hard
The task may seem
Don’t give up our plans
Don’t give up our dreams

No broken bridges
Can turn us around
Cause what we’re searchin’ for
Will soon be found

Cause we’re almost there
Just one more step
(Cause we’re almost there)
Just one more step
(Just one more step)
Don’t give up
‘Cause we’re almost all almost there
(‘Cause we’re almost there)

(Look at the lovers)
Look at the lonely lovers
That didn’t make it
Life’s long hard climb
(Life’s long hard climb)
They just couldn’t take it
(They just couldn’t take it)

Don’t let it happen to me and you
Hold on together, darlin’
We’ll make it through

Darlin’, keep on reachin’ out for me
Keep on reachin, do it for me
Do it for me, cause baby

(‘Cause we’re almost there)
(We’re almost there)
(‘Cause we’re almost there)

We’re so close
I can taste it
A life so sweet
Can’t afford to waste it
(Can’t afford to waste it)

Need to feel your hand
Slippin’ from mine?
Just hold on tighter now, darlin’
Keep on tryin’

Baby, do it for me, do it do it baby
(Cause we’re almost there)
Just one more step
(We’re almost there)
Don’t give up
(Cause we’re almost there)
Just one more step

Baby baby, don’t give up
(‘Cause we’re almost there)
Keep on, keep on
(We’re almost there)
Just one more step
(‘Cause we’re almost there)
Cause we’re almost there


Juste one more step
Cause we’re almost there
We’ve come to far
To turn around


Keep on reachin’
For higher ground
We’ve had our ups and we’ve had our downs
Let nothin’ in the world darlin’
Turn us around

Cause we’re almost there
We’re almost there
We’re almost there

Everything we’re lookin’ for
We’re almost there
Keep on reachin’ out for me

Cause we’re almost there darlin’
We’re almost there
We’re almost there darlin’
We’re almost there
We’re almost there

Ah we’re almost there

Lyrical Diary: “We’re Almost There” Michael Jackson Lyrics

“We’re Almost There” Michael Jackson Lyrics. Writer(s): E. Holland, B. Holland

In 1975, Michael Jackson released his album “Forever, Michael.” The album is considered one of his most successful and popular releases. The song “We’re Almost There” became a huge hit and helped make the album well-known.

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Lyrical Diary-

Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.