“The Visitors” ABBA Lyrics
I hear the door-bell ring and suddenly the panic takes me
The sound so ominously tearing through the silence
I cannot move, I’m standing
Numb and frozen
Among the things I love so dearly
The books, the paintings and the furniture
Help me…
The signal’s sounding once again and someone tries the doorknob
None of my friends would be so stupidly impatient
And they don’t dare to come here
Anymore now
But how I loved our secret meetings
We talked and talked in quiet voices
Now I hear them moving
Muffled noises coming through the door
I feel I’m
Crackin’ up
Voices growing louder, irritation building
And I’m close to fainting
Crackin’ up
They must know by now I’m in here trembling
In a terror evergrowing
Crackin’ up
My whole world is falling, going crazy
There is no escaping now, I’m
Crackin’ up
These walls have witnessed all the anguish of humiliation
And seen the hope of freedom glow in shining faces
And now they’ve come to take me
Come to break me
And yet it isn’t unexpected
I have been waiting for these visitors
Help me…
Now I hear them moving
Muffled noises coming through the door
I feel I’m
Crackin’ up
Voices growing louder, irritation building
And I’m close to fainting
Crackin’ up
They must know by now I’m in here trembling
In a terror evergrowing
Crackin’ up
My whole world is falling, going crazy
There is no escaping now, I’m
Crackin’ up
Now I hear them moving
Muffled noises coming through the door
I feel I’m
Crackin’ up
Voices growing louder, irritation building
And I’m close to fainting
Crackin’ up
(I have been waiting for these visitors)
They must know by now I’m in here trembling
In a terror evergrowing
Crackin’ up
(I have been waiting for these visitors)
My whole world is falling, going crazy
There is no escaping now, I’m
Crackin’ up
(I have been waiting for these visitors)
Now I hear them moving
Muffled noises coming through the door
I feel I’m
Crackin’ up
(I have been waiting for these visitors)
Voices growing louder, irritation building
And I’m close to fainting
Crackin’ up
(I have been waiting for these visitors)
They must know by now I’m in here trembling
In a terror evergrowing
Crackin’ up
(I have been waiting for these visitors)
My whole world is falling, going crazy
There is no escaping now, I’m
Crackin’ up
Lyrical Diary: “The Visitors” ABBA Lyrics
“The Visitors” ABBA Lyrics. Writer(s): Benny Goran Bror Andersson, Bjoern K. Ulvaeus
“The Visitors” is a song by the Swedish group ABBA. It was released as a single in 1981 and is included on their album of the same name. The song is about the Cold War and is written from the perspective of a Soviet citizen. The lyrics talk about the fear of nuclear war and the desire for peace. The song became a hit in Europe and helped raise awareness of nuclear war’s dangers.
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Lyrical Diary-
Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.
Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.