“Take Her Place”(feat. ARIZONA) Don Diablo Lyrics
Ease my mind, with a little bit of conversation
Left me high, all I have is time
Maybe if I use my imagination
A little bit of your love to be mine
You know, I know, why we’re both here all alone
Take my broken heart and hold me close
You can take her place tonight
I need somebody in the morning
Somebody to hold me tight
You don’t even have to mean it
You can take her place tonight
Don’t even have to talk in the morning
Oh I know it ain’t right
But you can take her place tonight
You can take her place tonight
I need somebody in the morning
Somebody to hold me tight
You don’t even have to mean it
You can take her place tonight
Don’t even have to talk in the morning
Oh I know it ain’t right
But you can take her place tonight
I close my eyes, need your sweet distraction
It’s been a long time I’ve been out here on the line
It doesn’t need to be right, we don’t need to fight the attraction
I just need you to steal my heart away from my mind
You know, I know, why we’re both here all alone
But take my broken heart and hold me close
You can take her place tonight
I need somebody in the morning
Somebody to hold me tight
You don’t even have to mean it
You can take her place tonight
Don’t even have to talk in the morning
Oh I know it ain’t right
But you can take her place tonight
You can take her place tonight
I need somebody in the morning
Somebody to hold me tight
You don’t even have to mean it
You can take her place tonight
Don’t even have to talk in the morning
Oh I know it ain’t right
But you can take her place tonight
Damn you look good, yeah, you know that I want you
And it’s nothing personal, might never call you
‘Cause I got some issues and I gotta warn you
But I don’t gotta lie, know it ain’t right
You can take her place tonight
I need somebody in the morning
Somebody to hold me tight
You don’t even have to mean it
You can take her place tonight
Don’t even have to talk in the morning
Oh I know it ain’t right
But you can take her place tonight
You can take her place tonight
I need somebody in the morning
Somebody to hold me tight
You don’t even have to mean it
You can take her place tonight
Don’t even have to talk in the morning
Oh I know it ain’t right
But you can take her place tonight

Lyrical Diary: “Take Her Place”(feat. ARIZONA) Don Diablo Lyrics
“Take Her Place”(feat. ARIZONA) Don Diablo Lyrics. Writer(s): Martijn H J Van Sonderen, Don P Schipper, Scott Harris, Zachary Hannah, David Patrick Labuguen, Nathan Esquite
Don Diablo’s “Take Her Place” is a song about moving on from a past relationship. The lyrics tell the story of a man trying to get over his ex-girlfriend by finding someone new to take her place. He meets a girl at a club, and they hit it off, but memories of his ex still haunt him. Ultimately, he decides it is time to move on and let go of the past.

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Lyrical Diary-
Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.
Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.