“Say It Isn’t So” Bon Jovi Lyrics

“Say It Isn’t So” Bon Jovi Lyrics

I just can’t believe
It was all a lie
No man in the moon
Just a big light in the sky
I hear Disneyland
Might lose Mickey Mouse
In some giant hostile corporate shake-up
Tell me it’s a nightmare
Please wake me up
(Say it isn’t so)
I found a book of matches
From someplace we’ve never been
How come you hang the phone up
The minute I walk in
Last night I had this dream
That I was losing you
I woke up in a cold sweat shaking
Rescue me my heart is breaking

Say it isn’t so (tell me it’s not true)
Say it isn’t so (I believe in you)
Tell me it’s a lie (I don’t need no proof)
Say everything’s all right (couldn’t be, not you)
Say it isn’t so

Superman don’t fly
They did it all with strings
Elvis Presley died
They deep fried the king
Like some tacky cheesy bathing beauty
Dancing on the beach in a bad b-movie

Say it isn’t so (tell me it’s not true)
Say it isn’t so (I believe in you)
Tell me it’s a lie (I don’t need no proof)
Say everything’s all right (couldn’t be, not you)

Say it isn’t so (don’t give up on me)
Say it isn’t so (don’t give up on you)
Get me through the night (we’ll make it through)
Make everything all right (couldn’t be, not you)
Say it isn’t so…

Say it isn’t so (tell me it’s not true)
Say it isn’t so (I believe in you)
Tell me it’s a lie (I don’t need no proof)
Say everything’s all right (couldn’t be, not you)

Say it isn’t so (don’t give up on me)
Say it isn’t so (don’t give up on you)
Get me through the night (we’ll make it through)
Make everything all right (couldn’t be, not you)
Say it isn’t so

Lyrical Diary: “Say It Isn’t So” Bon Jovi Lyrics

“Say It Isn’t So” Bon Jovi Lyrics. Writer(s): Billy Falcon, Jon Bon Jovi

“Say It Isn’t So” is a song by Bon Jovi from their 2000 album “Crush.” The song is about the singer’s failed relationship. The lyrics are emotional and heartfelt.

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Song Bangladesh-Lyrical Diary

Bangla Song Lyrics – Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.