“No More Sorrow” Linkin Park Lyrics

“No More Sorrow” Linkin Park Lyrics

Are you lost in your lies?
Do you tell yourself “I don’t realize”?

Your crusade’s a disguise
Replace freedom with fear, you trade money for lives

I’m aware of what you’ve done

No, no more sorrow
I’ve paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

I see pain, I see need
I see liars and thieves abuse power with greed

I had hope, I believed
But I’m beginning to think that I’ve been deceived

You will pay for what you’ve done

No, no more sorrow
I’ve paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

Thieves and hypocrites [3x][2x]
No, no more sorrow
I’ve paid for your mistakes
Your time is borrowed
Your time has come to be replaced

Your time has come to be replaced
Your time has come to be erased

Lyrical Diary: “No More Sorrow” Linkin Park Lyrics

“No More Sorrow” Linkin Park Lyrics. Writer(s): Mike Shinoda, Chester Charles Bennington, Joseph Hahn, Robert G. Bourdon, Brad Delson, Dave Farrell

Linkin Park’s song “No More Sorrow” is about the singer’s experiences with addiction. The lyrics discuss how the addiction takes over, controls his life, and destroys everything he cares about. However, in the end, the singer finds strength and the realization that he can overcome anything. The song is an intense and powerful tale of addiction and recovery.

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Song Bangladesh-Lyrical Diary

Bangla Song Lyrics – Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.