“Halfway Down (Acoustic)” Corey Taylor Lyrics

“Halfway Down (Acoustic)”(originally by Corey Taylor) Corey Taylor Lyrics

Tell me what you think about it
Try to wrap your head around it
Either way, I’m glad you found it
Guess I’m happy that the stuff isn’t gone
You could drive a missile through it
Felt so good, I had to do it
Get it all or nothin’ to it
It all depends on if the writin’ is wrong

When we left our feet, we never touched the ground
So, baby, if you’re ready for me, I’m only halfway down

Tell me that you’re thinkin’ of it
Feel it when you’re right above it
A little more, I know you love it
And if you blow my cover, I’ll devour your smile
Do that thing that makes me need it
It all depends on how you feed it
Baby, I don’t wanna be conceited
But everything you do is only meant for me

When your ship came in, it nearly made me drown
So, baby, if you’re ready, I’m only halfway down

Ooh, knock me off my feet, I wanna hit the ground
Baby, if you’re ready for me, I’m only halfway down

I’m only halfway down
I’m only halfway down
I’m only halfway down
I’m only halfway

“That was great, dude, that was fucking awesome”
“That was fucking great”
“I think that is probably the one”
“Ah, haha!”
“That was tough”
“But, I think, if there’s, if there’s any missed note or anything”
“Yeah, yeah”
“You probably got it on the other one”
“Maybe, yeah”
“Yeah, man”

Lyrical Diary : “Halfway Down (Acoustic)”(originally by Corey Taylor) Corey Taylor Lyrics

Writer(s): Dustin Robert Schoenhofer, Corey Taylor, Jason Christopher Rappise, Christopher Anthony Martucci, Zachary Throne

The song is about a man who is halfway down the stairs, and as he gets closer to the bottom, he starts to feel depressed. He Hudson acoustic guitar playing “halfway down” acoustic guitars. The lyrics talk about how he feels and how it’s hard to keep going when things are going bad.
The song is about a person who is halfway down a vista, and they see the world around them for the first time.

We would appreciate it if you could let us know as soon as possible so we can correct the mistake and update the song as soon as possible. We would love to get them corrected for our readers.

Don’t forget to comment down the favorite Part/line of this song. Do share these lyrics with your close ones.

Lyrical Diary-

Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.