“Get Ready” Bon Jovi Lyrics
You need someone to make it last
No Romeos who’ll love and leave you fast
They fade away
Tonight you’re not gonna be alone
Making love on the telephone
Baby, baby if you can hold on
I’m gonna take you all the way tonight
I like ’em down and dirty, so hold on tight
Come on get ready
Come on get ready
You’re looking sharp in your dancing shoes
You got the style and you got the moves
Oh you’re so hot, girl and on the loose
You’re caught up in a danger zone
Just seventeen but you act full grown
The night life, baby, is turning you on
You want to take me all the way tonight
Take my hand, you can feel the heat
Make you feel alright
Come on
Come on
Lyrical Diary: “Get Ready” Bon Jovi Lyrics
“Get Ready” Bon Jovi Lyrics. Writer(s): Jon Bon Jovi, Richard S. Sambora
Bon Jovi’s “Get Ready” is a popular song from 1984. The song is about a man who is about to go on a date. He is nervous, but he wants to make a good impression. The lyrics are written in a hip-hop style, and the song was popularized by rapper LL Cool J.
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Song Bangladesh-Lyrical Diary
Bangla Song Lyrics – Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.
Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.