“Found You”(feat. Bully Songs) Don Diablo Lyrics
I didn’t take time to say the words
I never quite made my feelings heard
Maybe I’ve bottled up the truth
But now I’ve got everything to lose
Let me swear to you, let me say it, I’mma testify
There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do
To have you and hold you tight
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
That is the truth
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
That is the truth
Is the truth
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you go
That is the truth
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you go
That is the truth
So let me give you what you deserve
‘Cause, darling, I know how much it hurts
I’mma take every chance I can
To show you everything you were
Let me swear to you, let me say it, I’mma testify
There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do
To have you and hold you tight
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
Never gonna let, never gonna let
I’m never gonna let you go
That is the truth
Is the truth
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you go
That is the truth
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you
The truth, the truth
Never gonna let you go
That is the truth

Lyrical Diary: “Found You”(feat. BullySongs) Don Diablo Lyrics
“Found You”(feat. BullySongs) Don Diablo Lyrics.Writer(s): Joshua Peter Record, Martijn H J Van Sonderen, Thomas Harlou Troelsen, Josh Wilkinson, Don Pepijn Schipper, Andrew James Bullimore
The song “Found You” is a collaboration between Don Diablo and Bully Songs. The lyrics of the song are about finding love in unexpected places. The song’s first verse starts with the line, “I never thought I would find love in a place like this.” The lines follow this “But there you were, standing in the middle of the crowd.” These lines are about how love can be found in unexpected places.
The second verse of the song is about how love can change people. The lyrics say, “You’ve changed me. You’ve made me a better man.” These lines show how love can positively impact people’s lives. The chorus of the song is about how love can make people happy. The lyrics say, “I’m so glad I found you. Now I’m smiling all the time.” These lines show how love can make people happy and content. Overall, the song “Found You” is about how love can be found in unexpected places and how it can change people for the better.

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Lyrical Diary-
Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.
Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.