“For Us” dvsn Lyrics

“For Us” dvsn Lyrics

I really wish we got it together earlier
That’s just how life goes
Always in cycles
Some guys
Block their blessings
But I learned my lesson and realized
It was always you
It was always you and now I know that

I don’t wanna
Waste a minute of my life without you in it
I don’t wanna
Act like you ain’t been the one from the beginning
I don’t wanna
Lose another battle to my pride
When I know that I love you
And there’s enough to last, yeah
Forever and for after

You’re everything (I really need you)
Forever ain’t enough
You’re everything (I really need you)
Forever seems too short for us

I sit ain’t think how I couldn’t get any luckier
You’re the best thing that happened in my whole life now
I was lost once or twice, every road led me back to you
Then I realized it always you and now I know

I don’t wanna
Waste a minute of my life without you in it
And I don’t wanna
Act like you ain’t been the one from the beginning
I don’t wanna
Lose another battle to my pride
When I know that I love you
And there’s enough to last, yeah
Forever and for after

You’re everything (I really need you)
Forever ain’t enough
You’re everything (I really need you)
Forever seems too short (It don’t seem we got enough time)
You’re everything (I really need you)
Forever ain’t enough
You’re everything (I really need you)
Forever seems too short for us

Lyrical Diary: “For Us” dvsn Lyrics

“For Us” dvsn Lyrics. Writer(s): Bryan Michael Cox, Paul Jefferies, Daniel Daley

“For Us” is the fourth and final single from DVSN’s debut album, A Muse In Her Feelings. The song was released on December 1st, 2020. The song tells the story of a love that’s been lost and never forgotten. The lyrics are written in a narrative style, with each verse telling a different part of the story. The song was written by DVSN and produced by Ryan Tedder. It features vocals from Sza.” For Us” is an emotional ballad about a love that’s been destroyed by distance. The lyrics tell the story of two people who were once together but now can’t find each other. They’re still in each other’s hearts though, and they know that they’ll always love each other.

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Lyrical Diary-

Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.