Can’t Live without You | 离不开你
Chinese Songs, Lyrics in Chinese, Chinese Songs Lyrics
nǐ chǎngkāi huáibào rónghuà le wǒ
Your hug melts me.
nǐ qīng niǎn zhǐjiān róu suì le wǒ
Your fingertips, twisting, break my heart.
nǐ gǔdòng fēngyún juǎn zǒu le wǒ
You washed me away by instigating wind and clouds.
nǐ xiān qǐ bōlán pāoqì le wǒ
You deposited me by lifting great waves.
wǒliǎ tài bú gōngpíng
我俩 太不公平
It’s not fair for two of us.
ài hé hèn quán yóu nǐ cāozòng
You manipulate love and hate.
kě jīntiān wǒ yǐ lí bù kāi nǐ
可今天 我已离不开你
But I can live without you now.
bùguǎn nǐ ài bù ài wǒ
不管你 爱不爱我
No matter whether or not you love me.
wǒliǎ tài bú gōngpíng
我俩 太不公平
It’s not fair for two of us.
ài hé hèn quán yóu nǐ cāozòng
You manipulate love and hate.
kě jīntiān wǒ yǐ lí bù kāi nǐ
可今天 我已离不开你
But I can live without you now.
bùguǎn nǐ ài bù ài wǒ
不管你 爱不爱我
No matter whether or not you love me.
nǐ chǎngkāi huáibào rónghuà le wǒ
Your hug melts me.
nǐ qīng niǎn zhǐjiān róu suì le wǒ
Your fingertips, twisting, break my heart.
nǐ gǔdòng fēngyún juǎn zǒu le wǒ
You washed me away by instigating wind and clouds.
nǐ xiān qǐ bōlán pāoqì le wǒ
You deposited me by lifting great waves.
wǒliǎ tài bú gōngpíng
我俩 太不公平
It’s not fair for two of us.
ài hé hèn quán yóu nǐ cāozòng
You manipulate love and hate.
kě jīntiān wǒ yǐ lí bù kāi nǐ
可今天 我已离不开你
But I can live without you now.
bùguǎn nǐ ài bù ài wǒ
不管你 爱不爱我
No matter whether or not you love me.

Lyrical Diary: Can’t Live without You | 离不开你
Can’t Live without You | 离不开你 — Chinese Songs, Lyrics in Chinese,, Chinese Songs Lyrics
Chinese song lyrics have been around for centuries and have evolved to reflect the country’s rich cultural history. From traditional folk songs to modern pop tracks, Chinese music has always captured the hearts of many. The lyrics of these songs are not just words put together but rather a reflection of the Chinese language and culture.

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Lyrical Diary-
Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.
Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.