“Born Again Tomorrow” Bon Jovi Lyrics

“Born Again Tomorrow” Bon Jovi Lyrics

If you were born again tomorrow

This ain’t a test, no it’s a warning
Ain’t gonna say the sky is falling
You got to read between the lines
Stop waiting for a sign
Who’s gonna live your life

Yeah you don’t have to look back to see where we are
The future’s looking brighter than a hand full of stars
You got to hold on, hold on
Be strong

If you were born again tomorrow
Would you live your life like yesterday
If you were born again tomorrow
I wouldn’t live my life any other way

Don’t have to end up where you started
Heaven loves the broken hearted
You learn from your mistakes
Bones grow stronger where they break
Who says that scars don’t fade

Yeah you don’t have to look back to see where we are
The future’s looking brighter than a hand full of stars
You got to hold on, hold on
You gotta be strong

If you were born again tomorrow
Would you live your life like yesterday
If you were born again tomorrow
I wouldn’t live my life any other way

Would you relive every moment
Would you tear out any page
If you were born again tomorrow
I wouldn’t live my life any other way
Any other way ey, ey, ey
Any other way ey

If you were born again tomorrow
Would you live your life like yesterday
If you were born again tomorrow
I wouldn’t live my life any other way

Would you relive every moment
Would you tear out any page
If you were born again tomorrow
I wouldn’t live my life any other way
Any other way

Born again tomorrow
If you were born again tomorrow
Born again tomorrow

Lyrical Diary: “Born Again Tomorrow” Bon Jovi Lyrics album: “This House Is Not For Sale” (2016)

“Born Again Tomorrow” Bon Jovi Lyrics. Writer(s): John Shanks, Jon Bon Jovi, Billy Falcon

Bon Jovi released their latest album, “This House Is Not For Sale,” in 2016. The album contains the song “Born Again Tomorrow.” The song’s lyrics talk about how people should live for today and not worry about tomorrow. Bon Jovi has always been a band that encourages its fans to live life to the fullest. They believe that tomorrow is never guaranteed, so you should enjoy today.

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Lyrical Diary-

Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.