“Back To Us”(feat. Mike Waters) Don Diablo Lyrics
It’s been a while since you’ve opened up like this
And you’ve been quiet and I barely know these things
I always told you, you could tell me what you think
If you had a problem, how was I supposed to know?
Anything, everything that you want
These are all little things I can solve
Pull you back so we don’t drift away
Everything, anything that you need
Listen to every word that you speak
All I ask is that you don’t rip on me
I’ll fix this love (I’ll fix this love)
So we back up (so we back up)
To what it was (to what it was)
We do it together so we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
No one’s perfect, doesn’t matter who’s at fault
I don’t wanna waste more time ’cause I’m so sure
We can spend hours thinking on what we did wrong
I rather focus on why we fell in love
Anything, everything that you want
These are all little things I can solve
Pull you back so we don’t drift away
Everything, anything that you need
Listen to every word that you speak
All I ask is that you don’t rip on me
I’ll fix this love (I’ll fix this love)
So we back up (so we back up)
To what it was (to what it was)
We do it together so we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
To us, to us
So we can get back to us
Lyrical Diary: “Back To Us”(feat. Mike Waters) Don Diablo Lyrics
“Back To Us”(feat. Mike Waters) Don Diablo Lyrics. Writer(s): David Brook, Sebastian Teigen, Michael Bywaters, Don Schipper, Martijn Van Sonderen
The song “Back To Us” is a collaboration between Don Diablo and Mike Waters. The song is about returning to the roots of who we are and remembering what’s important in life. The lyrics are motivational and uplifting, and the song has a positive message.
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Lyrical Diary-
Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.
Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.