“Liberian Girl” Michael Jackson Lyrics

“Liberian Girl” Michael Jackson Lyrics

Naku penda pia
Naku taka pia
[English translation:
“I love you too
I want you too
My love”]

Liberian girl
You came and you changed my world
A love so brand new
Liberian girl
You came and you changed me girl
A feeling so true

Liberian girl
You know that you came and you changed my world,
Just like in the movies,
With two lovers in a scene
And she says,
“Do you love me?”
And he says, “So endlessly.”,
I love you, Liberian girl.

(Naku penda pia
Naku taka pia

Liberian girl
More precious than any pearl
Your love so complete
Liberian girl
You kiss me then, ooh, the world
You do this to me

Liberian girl
You know that you came and you changed my world,
Just like in the movies,
With two lovers in a scene
And she says,
“Do you love me?”
And he says, “So endlessly.”,
I love you, Liberian girl.

(Naku penda pia
Naku taka pia

Liberian girl
You know that you came and you changed my world,
I wait for the day,
When you have to say
“I do,”
And I’ll smile and say it too,
And forever we’ll be true
I love you, Liberian girl,
All the time

I love you Liberian girl,
All the time
I love you Liberian girl,
All the time
I love you Liberian girl,
All the time
I love you
I love you baby
I want you
I love you baby
Ooh! I love you baby, I want
You baby, ooh!

Lyrical Diary: “Liberian Girl” Michael Jackson Lyrics

“Liberian Girl” Michael Jackson Lyrics. Writer(s): שרים אלדד, Jackson,michael Joe

Michael Jackson’s “Liberian Girl” is a song about a homeschooled young girl with strong moral values. She is also an inspiration to many people, demonstrating the importance of self-determination and independence. The lyrics of “Liberian Girl” are full of hope and promise and are designed to help people reflect on their values and how they can help others.

According to Michael Jackson’s song “Liberian Girl,” a young girl who is orphaned and has to work hard to survive in a harsh environment must be beautiful to be accepted. The lyrics talk about how the young girl must have something good about her, such as a radiant smile, big eyes, and long hair, to make people want to love her.

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Lyrical Diary-

Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.