Sakura Spanish Song Lyrics – ROSALÍA

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Sakura Spanish Song Lyrics – ROSALÍA


Las flores de esta ciudad no huelen a na’
¿Por qué será? ¿Por qué será?
Y todas las chicas son tan bonitas tan plásticas
¿Por qué será? ¿Por qué será?

Flor de sakura
Flor de sakura
Ser una popstar nunca te dura
Flor de sakura

Flor de sakura
No me da pena me da ternura
No pa’ siempre puedes ser una estrella y brillar
Voy a reírme cuando tenga 80 y mire pa’ atrás

Nunca me ha dao’ miedo la risa de un loco
Más miedo me da el que miente o el que ríe poco
Si tienes 60 y te endiablas cuando una mujer frontea
Es que no has aprendi’o na’ es que tienes un problema

Flor de sakura
Flor de sakura
Ser una popstar nunca te dura
Flor de sakura

Flor de sakura
No me da pena me da ternura
La que sabe sabe
Que si estoy en esto es para romper

Y si me rompo con esto pues me romperé ¿Y que?
Solo hay riesgo si hay algo que perder
Las llamas son bonitas porque no tienen orden
Y el fuego es bonito porque todo lo rompe

Sakura Spanish Song Lyrics – ROSALÍA

Sakura Lyrics – ROSALÍA
( English Translate )

The flowers of this city they don’t smell
Why could it be why could it be?
And all the girls are so pretty so plastic
Why could it be why could it be?

Sakura flower
Sakura flower
Being a popstar never lasts
Sakura flower

Sakura flower
I don’t feel sorry I feel tenderness
You can’t forever be a star and shine
I’m gonna laugh when I’m 80 and look back

I’ve never been afraid of a madman’s laugh
I’m more afraid of the one who lies or the one who laughs too little
If you’re 60 and you get mad when a woman fronts you
It’s because you haven’t lеarned anything it’s because you’vе got a problem

Sakura flower
Sakura flower
Being a popstar never lasts
Sakura flower

Sakura flower
I don’t feel sorry I feel tenderness
The one who knows knows
That if I’m in this it’s to break

And if I break on this then I’ll break myself
And that there’s only risk if there’s something to lose
Flames are beautiful because they’re not afraid to burn
And fire is beautiful because it breaks everything

Lyrical Diary-Sakura Spanish Song Lyrics – ROSALÍA

Sakura Lyrics – ROSALÍA is a latest trending Spanish song. Song of Bizcochito lyrics sung by ROSALÍA. This song written by David Rodríguez, Michael Uzowuru and ROSALÍA. Song of Bizcochito lyrics started by the line of Yo no soy y ni vi’a ser tu bizcochito and in English translation is I’m not and I won’t be your biscuit. This song released on the date of 18 March, 2022. Bizcochito song got an average visitor at YouTube after released between couple of hours. This song music composition by ROSALÍA and Michael Uzowuru. Bizcochito song vocal producer by ROSALÍA. This song lyricist by also ROSALÍA.

Bizcochito song got a music label which name is Columbia Records and Sony Music Entertainment. This beautiful song sung in the language of Spanish. Bizcochito song music video duration time is 01:49. This song created in an album which name is Motomami.

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Don’t forget to comment down the favorite Part/line of this song. Do share these lyrics with your close ones.

Song Bangladesh-Lyrical Diary

Bangla Song Lyrics – Enjoy reading lyrics and trying to do them more than just lyrics, trying to have some more me. I enjoy doing this because it allows me to express myself in a unique way that not everyone can do. It also gives me a chance to learn new things, which I appreciate.

Lyrics are a way to communicate emotions, and they can be used to entertain or provoke an emotional response in the listener. Therefore, lyricists need to use complex academic jargon to evoke a strong emotional response. They can create a connection with their listener and hopefully evoke a feeling of enjoyment or pleasure.